
Twin Series | Owning A Business Together

If you read our first twin series post (you can view it HERE!), you know that we do everything together…including photographing our amazing couples & families! This leads us to post number two – our business!

Owning a Business Together 

We’ve done our business together from the very beginning (honestly not sure who dragged who into it first ;)) and if you want to read the entire story of how we started out business at 12 years old, click here! As a matter of fact, we have never done a session alone! You always get the double-deal experience…two is better than one, right?

At Sessions

Having two of us makes for a pretty great team… there’s always two photographers. All the angles. All the moments. And the best thing is, we have a built-in second shooter! Nothing can escape our cameras on wedding days 😉 Plus we can basically read each others minds…so yeah, the twins have got ya covered. We both shoot at portrait sessions as well, both with different cameras and lenses (usually one of us has a closer lens and one has a wide-angle one). You’ll probably hear us say, “oh grab a wide one of that pose!” or “oooo use the 85mm lens for this one!” Those phrases are 99% guaranteed HA!

During sessions, Laura does a majority of the posing and talking, while Jacqueline is probably behind the camera. She likes to hog the shooting role. Jacqueline also takes wayyyy more photos than Laura, because duh, Laura’s too busy talking lol.

Individual Roles 

Having a photography business is a lot more than just taking photos. Believe it or not, we spend more time working on business things and editing than actually shooting! Yep, you read that right. Your actual session or wedding day is just a small part of our job! The awesome part about having the two of us is that we can split up the tasks. More or less evenly haha!!

Editing: For weddings, we will split up all the photos into sections and we each take half. Jacqueline always claims couple portraits and Laura always makes sure she gets the details in 😉 For portrait sessions, we alternate which computer/hard drive we put them on, and then both take turns editing them.

Social media: Jacqueline will plan the feed and Laura does allll the caption writing and posting. We usually do this at the beginning of every week! Laura writes captions for the week in one day to keep it simplified.

Blogging: Jacqueline usually does the blog because it’s something she really enjoys! Occasionally, Laura takes over some of the writing part (like…right now) 🙂

Emails: We both respond to emails and it’s always a constant “come read this” and “how does this sound” LOL! If you’re wondering who you’re talking to, well, it honestly is BOTH of us.


And finally, we had to share a *few* more photos from our branding session a few weeks ago with Tiffany!! She totally knocked it out of the park!!


We hope you enjoyed this post and a little look at what our lives look like as a photography team, both behind our cameras, and during the everyday work that happens! Thanks for following along <3


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Twin Series | Part 1

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Our Story




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