
Family Trip to Amelia Island FL

Despite everything happening right now,  and the many things being canceled, we were still able to go on our annual family trip to Amelia Island, FL! We have extended family that lives here and we have been going our whole lives!

Like usual, the golf cart was the highlight of the trip 🙂 Even if it maxed out at 2mph haha!! Although Clara might argue that the horse ride she took on the beach was the best part. Either way, there were good times all around!

Also sharks. All around. Y’all…we don’t do sharks. One day at the beach we saw some fish jumping and birds circling (shark tip 101…watch for jumping fish LOL) and as the commotion grew, we’re 99% sure we saw multiple sharks jump OUT of the water. Maybe it was dolphins…but honestly, we weren’t about to find out. Anyways, they eventually finished their lunch and *some* of the family got back in the waves that day haha! Next year I’m finding a beach where I can see my feet in the water… the gulf coast, we comin’ for ya.

Speaking of waves…y’all devoted boogie boarding fans: this island will serve you well! (duh, we still boogie board). The waves are impressive!! We had some strong currents for quite a few of our beach days, which made for some awesome waves!

I felt like I didn’t take as many pictures this trip, but after putting this together I realized that I did, in fact, take plenty of photos 🙂  After years of Laura and I both taking photos on vacation, she seems to have left the job completely up to me. Thankfully I take way too many photos to begin with, so we are covered!! Here’s to another year on our fav island!!

Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL Amelia Island Plantation | Vacation on Amelia Island FL

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