
Behind the Scenes 2021

As much as we like to think that our wedding day blog posts are the crowd favorites, this blog post may just be the TRUE highlight!! Wedding days are beautiful, so much fun, and sometimes a little bit wild. And as you can imagine, from all that chaos comes the best behind-the-scenes photos. Add in a plethora of test shots before engagement sessions, random photobombs, and some quality pose demonstrations from Laura, and you have the 2021 behind the scenes recap!!

Before you start scrolling, just keep this in mind: our excitement to share this with you is 100x more than Jacqueline’s excitement appears in this below photo. But believe us, if you had to hold your breath for 40 minutes while attempting to focus a lens on the prongs of a diamond, you would feel the same way too…


If Laura’s posing career ever takes a turn for the worse, there’s always the role of professional veil fluffer, which is one of her specialties 99% of the time…

(See the 1% below)

Usually, before portrait sessions, we find the perfect spot, test the light, and Jacqueline plays with her hair.

And whoever said that photographers just took photos?? (No one). Putting in earrings is a part of the package! It just takes a little focus.

During bridal portraits, Laura usually says something about giving the dress a “swoosh,” and Jacqueline makes fun of her for not coming up with a better word. Yet we still keep using the same word and to this day it hasn’t changed.

We love our couples. That’s it. We’re not crying or anything…

Veil duty, train duty, WE GOT YOU.

On a different note, everyone please welcome Alan Bruce to the blog. His hair was at a prime right here and not sure I’ve seen it as good since…(kidding)

Pictured below: Jacqueline casually poses for a whimsical portrait on the streets of Charleston. And yes, the foot prop is really just for balancing purposes.

Another not-so-whimsical (but still casual) photo of J in her natural habitat. She’s really just thinking about how her mouth is watering at the smell of that cake.

And this cake too…

Sometimes Laura thinks she’s funny, and sometimes our clients are really funny too. But really, we just spend a lot of time laughing.

And leading. Laughing and leading, is apparently what we do best…

Below is a rare sighting of Laura with her camera. However, she’s not actually taking photos because she is too busy talking and giving instructions so J can grab the epic shot. Very typical. Teamwork, right?

As we said, Laura does own her own camera and believe it or not, does take photos. Shocking, we know.

If you ever considered becoming a videographer, we recommend setting aside monthly savings for the chiropractor…

Although you may want to do the same as a wedding photographer. Let’s add “moving floral arrangements” to the job title.

Oh, and moving furniture too.

We’ll title this:

“We just finished portraits approximately half a second ago and the DJ is announcing the bridal party in 3 seconds….”


You thought we were done with veil tosses?? Oh, do we have more for you!!

Bless you, Amber, for considering me when you chose your veil.

We definitely don’t awkwardly stand looking at our phones before meeting clients. That would be so weird.

Despite Alyssa’s expression, let it be known that Tylar and I totally had this whole situation under control.

Describe family photos in two words: hand motions (from everyone as you can see).

Here’s J rocking new hair and our Steve Madden platform shoes which we miss dearly. RIP.

We don’t know what Laura was laughing at, but it doesn’t appear to be Alan…

*Laura uses her loudest voice*

*Groomsmen laugh*

“Ok everyone, just look at Jacqueline and smile.”

Our personal favorite veil toss of the year:

Just for clarification, Laura is on the left and she is taking a photo. Truly rare documentation.

Along with earrings and veils, boutonnieres are another acquired skill that comes with being a wedding photographer.

Back to dresses…

As previously seen, when Laura gets her hands in the air, she means business. Corralling bridal parties is one of her jobs on wedding days.


Another reception test shot, but the calmer version 😉

SOMEONE, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY OUR EXPRESSIONS ARE THE SAME. I’m confused, you’re confused, why are we even confused??

And you will tap your groom on the shoulder just like THIS. (Hopefully with this much excitement)

That’s some good light. Y’all see it??

Oh boy, not the groomsmen again. And they’re still laughing!! (At least Ryan is paying attention).


Mixing it up on the posing demonstration!!!

Nailed it.

At least someone is enthused…And yes, J is awake, just not her best moment.

If you don’t already have full confidence in Laura’s fluffing abilities, here’s your confirmation.

We promise that Caroline does willingly come along on these excursions. But in case you were wondering, yes, she’s also amazing at holding all our stuff.

Laura: Smile.


If you’ve ever shot a June wedding at 5 pm in direct sun, you know that an arm full of water bottles is PURE JOY.

Do you know what else we’re excited about?? Another amazing year coming up! Bring on 2022!!


Previous Behind the Scenes Posts:

Behind the Scenes | 2020

Behind the Scenes 2019


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